Our Tools

URL Redirect Manager

Our URL Redirect Manager Tool helps you efficiently manage and create redirects to improve SEO, user experience, and site organization.


Easily Manage URL Redirects for Better SEO and User Experienceđź‘Ź

Our URL Redirect Manager Tool simplifies the process of setting up 301 and 302 redirects, ensuring that your website’s links are properly directed. Avoid broken links and improve your site’s SEO by maintaining proper redirection practices.

By efficiently handling redirects, you can preserve your website’s SEO value and prevent users from landing on error pages. Improve the user experience and make your site more navigable with easy-to-manage URL redirects.


Key Features of URL Redirect Manager Tools

Our URL Redirect Manager Tool streamlines redirect management, allowing you to optimize your site’s link structure. Easily implement and track redirects to maintain a smooth browsing experience and improve SEO.

Set up and manage 301 and 302 redirects automatically to ensure proper link redirection.

Manage multiple redirects at once to save time and streamline site maintenance.

Track and monitor the status of your redirects in real time for better site performance.

Our Pricing

URL Redirect Manager tools

$ 299
  • Manage 301/302 redirects.
  • Prevent broken links.
  • Track redirect efficiency.